Large icon size, small title and inherit color scheme.
Large icon size, small title and accent/light gray color scheme.
Large icon size, small title and accent/light color scheme, round square shape.
Extra Large icon size, large title and inherit color scheme.
Large icon size, normal title and accent/light gray, circle shape.
Large icon size, normal title and accent/light color scheme, circle shape.
© Partido de la U - 2021
Sede Principal : Calle 36 # 15-08 Teusaquillo Bogotá – Bogotá D.C, Colombia, Horarios de Atención Lunes a Viernes 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Correo de contacto, correo de notificaciones judiciales: [email protected]
Teléfono conmutador: +57 (601) 7430049